Free Online Numerology Calculator

Click here for a more in depth introduction to numerlogy in general.

Numerology is the study of the symbolism of numbers. It is used to determine a person’s destiny, talents, strengths and weaknesses. Numerology can also be used to find out compatibility between people. It is our belief that your Spirit Guides will also use Numerology at times to attempt to communicate with you. Things like Double Numbers or Angel Numbers are a form of Numerology from your Spirit Guides.

When it comes to Numerology that relates to your life itself, along with your personal characteristics there are a number (sorry!) of different numbers that are important. On this page we look at each of these and provide you with a free way to calculate what your personal numbers are.

Free Online Numerology Life Path Number Calculator

The most important number in Numerology is probably the life path number. The Life Path Number is derived from your birth date and it reveals your inner character, who you really are and what you’re here to learn.

Your Life Path Number gives you clues as to what is important in your life, how you react to things that might happen to you and how you process and deal with life events.

Of course, the Life Path Number isn’t the full story. It can help show you what your positive and negative traits are, but how you manifest those traits is ultimately up to you. How you mix and match the traits is a product of your personal and spiritual experience and desire.

Use our free online numerology life path number calculator below.

Discover Your Life Path Number

The information you enter above is NOT STORED ON OUR SERVERS and is used purely to calculate your life path number. It cannot be used to identify you in any way.

The life path number can give us insight into our personal journey through life. It can help us to understand our talents and strengths, as well as our weaknesses.

The life path number is just one of the many numbers that can be used in numerology. There are also numbers derived from our name and our birth date that can give us insight into our personality and our destiny.

Numerology can be a helpful tool in understanding ourselves and our place in the universe. It can help us to make better choices and to live a more fulfilling life.

The information given by this calculator is intended for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered financial, health or any other kind of advice. It is not recommended to make any life changing decisions based on the answers to this information as there is far more to life than one simple number.

Always consider professional one on one coaching, counselling or other assistance before making any kind of life decisions.