Dreams - Page 4

Most people dream every night, even if they don’t remember it. Dreams are a normal part of sleep. They’re a mix of images, feelings, and ideas that occur during the REM (rapid eye movement) stage of sleep.

Dreams can be vivid or vague; long or short; pleasant, disturbing, or bizarre.

Some people, including us of course, believe that dreams have a hidden meaning. Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, believed that dreams were a way to access our unconscious desires. Other people believe that dreams are simply a product of our random brain activity during sleep.

There is some evidence that dreams can help us process difficult emotions and life experiences. For example, people who have experienced trauma often have nightmares about their experience. These nightmares can help them work through their trauma and eventually heal.

Dreams can also help us solve problems and come up with new ideas. This category of posts will look at all those aspects of dreams to try to help you work out what, if any, meaning there is in your dreams.

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